The nursery believes that health, safety and good hygiene practice is of paramount importance.  We ensure that our nursery is a safe and healthy place for children, parents, staff and volunteers by assessing and minimising the hazards and enabling the children to thrive in a healthy, clean and safe environment.  Childcare Act 2006

Health and Medication

Children with special needs, chronic illness or disability may have an extensive list of health information, and this will be carefully documented and understood and appropriate instructions about the implications of the health-related condition circulated to all staff.


  • The nursery will only administer medicines prescribed by a doctor.
  • Medicines will only be administered in the setting where it would be detrimental to a child’s health if it were not administered during the hours that the child is in attendance.
  • Parents to bring medicines in containers showing a pharmacists label with dosage requirements each time the child attends.
  • Written information will be obtained from the parent, giving clear instructions. One designated member of staff, currently Margaret Pout and in her absence Alison Rosindell, will administer medicines and will sign the book when medication is administered. This will be witnessed by another member of staff.  Parents will be asked to countersign the medicine record on collection of their child.  Separate arrangements may be made with regard to long term medical conditions such as diabetes.
  • All medications will be kept in a safe place out of reach of children.
  • All medicine containers, even if empty, will be returned to parents/carers (for safe disposal if necessary).
  • Life saving medication & invasive treatments, (epipens for allergies, Diazepam – for epilepsy, etc.), will only be administered with parent/carers written consent, a letter from GP/consultant stating the child’s condition and what medication should be administered and after any relevant staff training (and proof of such training) has been undertaken.

If a child is on short-term antibiotics, we feel that the child should not return to nursery until the course is finished.

Sickness Policy

  • A child cannot be received at Nursery if suffering from a doubtful rash, discharge from eyes, infectious illness, a severe cold,  diarrhoea or vomiting, or high temperature.
  • If a child is found to have headlice, the nursery requests that children are kept at home until the infestation has been cleared.
  • Children should not return to nursery after suffering from sickness or diarrheoa for at least 48 hours.
  • If a child falls ill whilst at Nursery, the Nursery will make every effort to contact parents/carers immediately.
  • In extreme cases of emergency, an ambulance will be called and the parent/carer immediately informed.
  • Parents/carers will be informed about any serious illnesses/diseases that have been reported to us by other parents, a sign will be displayed on our parents notice board situated in the cloakroom or letter will be issued.  We ask that parents/carers inform us if their child is suffering from any contagious disease.
  • A list that states the minimum exclusion period for infectious illness, incubation and infectious period is situated in the cloakroom as is the list of notifiable diseases that has to be reported to Ofsted and the Health Protection Agency in accordance with The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR), and Public Health (infectious diseases) Regulations 1988.


The nursery requires parents to inform us using our contact forms of any allergies a child may suffer from.  This will include food allergies, ie., nuts, dairy products, wasp/bee sting, plasters, etc.  We would request that parents do not provide their children with nuts (including peanut butter), in their packed lunches as we do, from time to time, have children who are very allergic to these, not only in the nursery but also in the school.  We will need to be informed about problems relating to allergies such as asthma or eczema.  Nursery staff will work with parents to alleviate allergy attacks and to ensure medication is administered as necessary (see Health and Medication policy).

  • Parents/carers should notify their child’s key person and the manager of any allergies their child may have when they complete their settling in session or meeting and ensure that this information is noted in their child’s contact details.
  • Key person and Manager will ensure that all other staff members are aware of the allergy.
  • The information will be posted in the ‘special diets’ book and also on the inside of the cupboard door over the sink where all staff can easily access it.


  • Manager and staff will be vigilant for signs of stress in work colleagues.
  • Manager will allow staff opportunities to discuss problems and barriers which may identify workplace stressors.
  • Risk assessments will be carried out on identified workplace stressors as a matter of urgency.
  • Manager and staff will be vigilant and offer additional support to a member of staff who is experiencing stress outside work e.g. bereavement or separation.
  • The nursery will support individuals who have been off sick with stress and work with them on a planned return to work.


The aim of this policy statement is to ensure that all reasonable practical steps are taken to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all persons using the premises. The safety of young children is a paramount importance. In order to ensure the safety of both children and adults, we will ensure safety in the following areas:

  • Safety checks on premises, both outdoors and indoors, will be made before everyday/session.
  • The outdoor play space will be checked for litter and other dangers.
  • Equipment will be checked regularly and any dangerous items or broken items will be repaired or discarded.  Portable appliance (electrical) testing will be carried out annually.
  • The layout and space ratios will allow children and adults to move safely and freely between activities.
  • There will be adequate systems and equipment for the detection and control of fire.  Please see emergency evacuation  procedures.
  • Fire doors will never be obstructed and fire exists will be easily identifiable.
  • Fires/heater/electric points/wires and leads will be adequately guarded.
  • A record will be kept of any checks by the Fire Safety Officer and also of fire drills and servicing of fire equipment. Any recommendations by the Fire Safety Officer will be carried out.
  • Any dangerous materials and equipment including medicines and cleaning materials, will be stored out of reach of children.   COSHH sheets are available for chemical products.
  • Large equipment will be erected with care and checked regularly.  Safety mats are fitted under and around climbing frame.
  • Internal safety gates/barriers will be used as necessary. Outdoor play space is safely fenced and the entrance gate has a safety latch and an automatic locking system is in place.
  • To protect children as they sit on carpet area (i.e., circle time), staff will wear flat shoes (preferably rubber soled).
  • Children’s shoes should not be high heeled or flip flop type.  If they wear sandals they should be well fitting without sling backs or open toes.
  • If children have pierced ears their earrings should be stud type and not hoops.  If hoop earrings are worn they should be covered with micropore tape.

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974/Regulations 1992 – Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)2002 – Childcare Act 2006 – Fire Regs (amended) 1997   

Adult Safety

  • All adults in the group, staff, students and volunteers , will be aware of and respect the group’s safety policies.
  • Visitors will be asked to sign the visitors book on arrival.
  • Adults in the group will have access to advice on safe lifting.  This will be included at induction.
  • Adults will be provided with a safe means of reaching high areas in the nursery – a step ladder is currently available.
  • Adults will follow set safety procedures as set out in risks assessments and notices, and within induction program.

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 – Manual Handling Operations  Regulations 1992

Sun Protection Policy

Outdoor play is a very important part of a child’s healthy development and the Nursery wishes to provide the highest standards of safety.


  • We ask parents/carers to provide a sun hat (labelled).
  • We ask parents to apply sun cream to their child before they begin their nursery session. Sunscreen will be provided by the Nursery (factor 30) and applied to children who attend all-day sessions after lunch. If your child has very sensitive skin or allergies, parents/carers are asked to provide their own, clearly labelled.
  • Areas of shade where children can play or rest will be provided in the playground using natural sources/improvised shelters/outdoor canopy.
  • Children will be actively encouraged to drink water which is always available in the Nursery.
  • Staff will talk to the children about the importance of protecting their skin and drinking water.

Accident Procedures

  • All accidents that happen in the nursery or outside will be recorded in our Accident Book and the children’s parent/carer will sign the book at the end of their child’s session.
  • Completed and signed accident reports will be locked away in our filing cabinet, (Data Protection Act 2000), and will be kept for at least 25 years.
  • Our First Aid Box is allocated by the entrance of the main nursery on the shelf and is regularly check and restocked.
  •  Margaret Pout, Alison Rosindell, Emma Stimpson and Katie Donaldson  are qualified first aiders.
  • In cases of serious injury, an ambulance will be called and Manager or Deputy Manager will accompany the child to hospital.  Parents/carers will be contacted immediately.
  • Ofsted will be contacted if a child or adult is treated by a general practitioner or hospital doctor as a result of an accident in the setting or on an outing.  In these circumstances we will make a report to the Health and Safety Executive using the format for the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR).

First Aid Regulations 1992

Emergency Evacuation Procedures

Nursery Manager

When fire alarm rings (continuous ring) Margaret Pout asks all the children to walk and line up at the nursery gate. She collects the register and gate release fob and keeps the children calm and in order. She is the only one to give the orders.

Nursery Deputy Manager

Alison Rosindell checks the office and picks up contact form folder and keys from top drawer.


Emma Stimpson checks toilet area and book room for stray children and closes each door after she has emptied and checked the rooms.  Sarah Brady, students and other attending staff members help to gather up children and line them up.

  • When all rooms have been checked, children will be led out of the main gate, where the children will line up on the pavement.
  • A headcount for the children and then the adults will be taken.
  • The register will be called for children and then adults.
  • Nobody will re-enter the building until we have clearance from school staff.
  • Fire drills will be recorded in writing.

Fire Regulations (amended) 1997


  • A book will be available at each session for reporting any accidents/incidents.
  • Regular safety monitoring will include checking of the accident records as a basis for risk assessment, lessons can often be learnt from this exercise.
  • All adults, including parents and other carers, will be aware of the systems in operation for children’s arrival and departures and an adult will be at the door during these periods.
  • Fire drills will be held at least six times a year (once a term),  see fire procedures, above.
  • A register of both adults and children will be completed as people arrive and leave so that a complete record of all those present is available in any emergency.  Visitors will be required to fill in and sign the visitors book, with time in and time out recorded.
  • Fire extinguishers will be checked annually and this check will be recorded.
  • All electrical equipment is maintained to a safe standard and is checked and serviced by a qualified electrician on an annual basis.  Portable Appliance Testing (PAT).

Management of Health and Safety Reg. 1999, Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, Electricity at Work 1992

Health and Hygiene


  • Our food is supplied by reputable suppliers and we ensure that it is stored safely.
  • All staff wash their hands before handling food (lunchboxes or snack food).
  • All fruit is washed before being prepared and served to children on clean plates.
  • We ask parents/carers to inform us of any food allergies, intolerances or special dietary needs of children on their initial contact forms.  It is the responsibility of parents/carers to inform the nursery of any food allergies or special diets which their child may have.

We aim to include all children whatever their needs and will supply alternative snack foods when necessary

St. Mary’s Nursery regards snack and meal times as an important part of the children’s day.  Meal times represent a social time for children and adults and helps children to learn about healthy eating.    We ask that all parents/carers ensure that  lunchboxes and (if separate) flasks are labelled with each child’s name.  Hot lunches are provided by the school kitchen and are prepared in accordance with their food hygiene procedures.

  • We will store all lunchboxes and flasks in the refrigerator and the temperature of the refrigerator will be checked daily to ensure that food is stored safely.
  • Hot food from the school kitchen will be collected directly from the school kitchen and will be served immediately to children.
  • All staff will wash their hands before handling lunch boxes, hot lunches or snack food.  All children are encouraged to wash their hands before eating, after using the toilet and before taking part in food or cooking activities.
  • We are unable to heat or prepare food brought from home, also we are unable to keep food warm (i.e. soup in a flask).  We would ask that hot or warm food is not brought in lunchboxes as they are chilled immediately and may affect the temperature in the refrigerator.
  • We will not serve food from lunchboxes which is spoiled, (i.e. mouldy bread) and will endeavour to supply a replacement food item to  children if this is the case.
  • We would ask that the contents of each child’s lunchbox consists of a variety of foods suitable to provide a balanced diet.  There is information about healthy lunchboxes posted in the cloakroom and staff will be able to help with ideas.  There may also be ideas from other parents on our healthy eating (yellow) notice board for parents/carers.
  • The nursery does not provide breakfast and we would expect that children will normally have eaten before arrival.  However, if a child has not eaten or is hungry, the parent/carer may either bring food for him or her to eat, or you may ask staff to provide food.  In this case staff will provide food they have available in the nursery.
  • We will make provision for children’s individual dietary needs, such as cultural, religious and medical.  We will work with parents/carers to provide appropriate foods for all children for snacks and hot meals.
  • Staff members will have attended food hygiene training courses, Level 2 Award in Food Safety in Catering.


We provide water in a cooler which the children and staff may access at all times of the day, either cooled or at room temperature.  Milk is available each day this is stored safely in the refrigerator and served to children in clean cups.

Snack Food

At St. Mary’s Nursery we are committed to the promotion of good health in children and will provide snacks which are healthy, nutritious and varied.  Parents are welcome to bring in fruit or cakes for their children’s birthdays or other celebrations, but we ask that they do not bring in sweets.  If sweets are brought in they will be distributed to children at the end of nursery session.


St. Mary’s Nursery are aware of their responsibilities under food hygiene legislation (Food Hygiene Regulations 2006, Health & Safety at Work act 1974), and are registered with the Local Authority Environmental Health Department.

Physical Activity

We will encourage children to take part in a variety of physical activities including using wheeled toys outdoors, using the climbing frame and low balancing beams, taking part in games during our sessions in the school hall or school playing frield and our regular ‘wake up shake up’ routines.

Animals in the Nursery

The Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum requires that children learn about the natural world, its animals and other living creatures.  This may include contact with animals or other living creatures, either in the setting or on outings.  We aim to ensure that this is in accordance with sensible hygiene and safety controls.


  • Parents/carers will be informed of any animal visits to establish if a child has an allergy or phobia to a particular animal.
  • We will carry out a risk assessment, using information provided by the animal owner/keeper, before an animal is brought into the nursery, or an outing involving animals takes place.
  • Children will wash their hands after contact with animals.
  • Children will be supervised by an adult at all times when in contact with animals.

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.